Jennifer Strader aka BrunhildaAndHepCat

My First Page

This was the final project for my first web coading class. It was built in Spring 2021.

Afraid of Bugs

I love this page because it tells a story. It was created in Fall 2022

Hamburger Menu

This is another page from Fall 2022. The hamburger to circle transition is fun.

Newspaper Design

In the first Spring session of 2023 this design was inspired by an old newspaper that I had in my personal photos. I tried to make it as old looking as possible.

A Demo of Wriggly Squiggly Nav

A page from late this semester where we were tasked to Demo something cool. This Navigation effect is so extremely fun....just sayin'

Git Class Project

I was amazed by how this project came together. Everyone in the class built a different part. I built the wrapper and chose a color scheme. I love how my classmates' pieces all came together and the color scheme remianed.

My Personal Wordpress Site

I have plans for this sight. I want to share my projects and post videos. Eventually I want business cards that have a QR code that takes people to my website.

Portfolio and Reflection Paper

I participated in the X-Culture Coaching and Administrative Assistantship programs this semester. This PDF is my final project in the Coaching program.